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Getting Started

Dude is a very simple framework for writing web scrapers using Python decorators. The design, inspired by Flask, was to easily build a web scraper in just a few lines of code. Dude has an easy-to-learn syntax.


🚨 Dude is currently in Pre-Alpha. Please expect breaking changes.


To install, simply run the following from terminal. Click on the annotations (+ sign) for more details.

pip install pydude #(1)
playwright install #(2)
  1. Install pydude from PyPI
  2. Install playwright binaries for Chrome, Firefox and Webkit. See Getting Started | Playwright Python

Minimal web scraper

The simplest web scraper will look like the example below. Click on the annotations (+ sign) for more details.

from dude import select #(1)

@select(css="a")  #(2)
def get_link(element): #(3)
    return {"url": element.get_attribute("href")} #(4)
  1. Import the @select() decorator
  2. Decorate the function get_link() with @select() and specify the selector for finding the element in the page.
  3. It is required that decorator functions should accept 1 argument (2 for Pyppeteer). This can be an object or a string depending on which backend was used.
  4. Return a dictionary with information obtained from the argument object. The dictionary can contain multiple key-value pairs or can be empty.

The example above will get all the hyperlink elements in a page and calls the handler function get_link() for each element.

How to run the scraper

To start scraping, use any of the following options. Click on the annotations (+ sign) for more details.

dude scrape --url "<url>" --output data.json path/to/ #(1)
  1. You can run your scraper from terminal/shell/command-line by supplying URLs, the output filename of your choice and the paths to your python scripts to dude scrape command.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import dude[""]) #(1)
  1. You can also use function and run python path/to/ from terminal.

The output in data.json should contain the actual URL and the metadata prepended with underscore.

    "_page_number": 1,
    "_page_url": "",
    "_group_id": 4502003824,
    "_group_index": 0,
    "_element_index": 0,
    "url": "/url-1.html"
    "_page_number": 1,
    "_page_url": "",
    "_group_id": 4502003824,
    "_group_index": 0,
    "_element_index": 1,
    "url": "/url-2.html"
    "_page_number": 1,
    "_page_url": "",
    "_group_id": 4502003824,
    "_group_index": 0,
    "_element_index": 2,
    "url": "/url-3.html"

Changing the output to --output data.csv should result in the following CSV content.



This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU AGPLv3+ license.