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Setup handlers are very useful when performing initial actions after loading a website for the first time. Setup handlers could perform any of the following:

  1. Login
  2. Click on dialogs buttons

To create a Setup handler, you can pass setup=True parameter to @select() decorator. The only difference with Setup and normal element handler is that setup functions should accept 2 parameters, the element matched by the selector and the Page object (or WebDriver object in Selenium). Click on the annotations (+ sign) for more details.

from dude import select

@select(text="I agree", setup=True) # (1)
def agree(element, page):
    Clicks "I agree" in order to use the website.
    with page.expect_navigation(): # (2) # (3)
  1. Finds an element containing the text "I agree".
  2. (Playwright) We expect that after clicking the element, it will navigate us to our page of interest.
  3. (Playwright) Perform click on the element.


You can have multiple Setup steps, make sure to set the priority to run them in order.