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@start_requests decorator

The @start_requests decorator adds an option to send custom HTTP methods (POST, PUT, PATCH, etc).


@start_requests() is only supported on BeautifulSoup4, lxml and Parsel backends.

To register custom Request objects, simply wrap a generator with @start_requests decorator. Click on the annotations (+ sign) for more details.

from dude import Request # (1)

def custom_requests():
    for url in [""]:
        yield Request(method="GET", url=url) # (2)

def result_url(soup):
    return {"url": soup["href"]}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import dude[], parser="bs4") # (3)
  1. Import the Request class.
  2. It is necessary to specify the HTTP method.
  3. url param should be set to an empty list if not needed.